Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Deepest Lake in the World

Deepest Lake in the World
Deepest Lake in the United States

World's Deepest Lake:

Lake Baikal in southern Russia is the world's deepest lake. It is 5314 feet deep (1637 meters) and it's bottom is at 4215 feet (1285 meters) below sea level. This large lake is located in an active continental rift zone which is estimated to be widening at a rate of about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) per year.

Map from CIA Factbook

Satellite Image of Lake Baikal - Image by geology.com using NASA Landsat data.

Deepest Lake in the United States:

Crater Lake, a volcanic crater in southern Oregon, is the deepest lake in the United States. It's measured depth is 1932 feet (589 meters).

Satellite Image of Crater Lake - Image by geology.com using NASA Landsat data.

Bathymetry image of Crater Lake by USGS.

Panorama view of Crater Lake by USGS. Note the near vertical cliffs along the margins of the lake.

Deepest Lakes in the World

BaikalSiberia, Russia
5,369 ft (1,637 m)
TanganyikaTanzania, Dem. Rep. of Congo & Zambia
4,823 ft (1,470 m)
Caspian SeaIran and Russia
3,363 ft (1025 m)
2950 ft (900 m) minimums
O'Higgins-San MartinChile, Argentina
2,742 ft (836 m)
NyasaAfrica (Mozambique, Tanzania & Malawi)
2,316 ft (706 m)
Issyk KulKyrgizstan, Central Asia
2,192 ft (668 m)
Great SlaveNorthwest Territories, Canada
2,015 ft (614 m)
Crater LakeOregon, U.S.A.
1,949 ft (594 m)
1,936 ft (590 m)
General CarreraChile, Argentina
1,923 ft (586 m)
1,686 ft (514 m)
1,660 ft (506 m)
1,657 ft (505 m)
1,657 ft (505 m)
TahoeCalifornia & Nevada, USA
1,644 ft (501 m)
1,640 ft (500 m)
KivuDemocratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda
1,575 ft (480 m)
1,535 ft (468 m)
Lake ChelanWashington, U.S.A.
1,486 ft (453 m)

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